Monday, May 24, 2010

Final blog post =(

Well its finally over were about to graduate and this will be my final blog post for this class. This blog is supposed to be about this class and what we have experienced and accomplished. To say the least this class has been amazing. It was so much fun and such a wonderful experience. I have learned so much more about communication and technology.
During the time I spent in this class I learned so much and I achieved so many goals. I never thought that I would be able to create a game that works but I really did and I feel so accomplished. There were many complications but through team work and a lot of help from the help desk and our class mates we created a great game. Our team learned a lot about poverty and the situation the world is in economicly.
I am so appritiative for this class because I think it will help me greatly in my future endevors. I really hope that this class stays around for future students so that they can have the same experience. I really think that this class has been amazing! Thank you so much globaloria =)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Checking out the progress ;)

Well our assignment today is to check out the progress of a couple of other teams. I feel that all of the people in this class have made a lot of interesting progress. We are a group of highly intelligent and focused students. We are supposed to give some constructive criticism. I viewed jessamiahs page and I noticed that they were very far along. There game is really interesting and it makes me feel very behind. They have definitely met the educational idea. The other teams game i viewed was chad and ashleys. They have a lot of good drawings and they have done very well on there game so far. I think they show there work very well on there team page and they are achieving the educational goal. over all i think our class is doing very well although we still have alot to acomplish in a short period of time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

chat !!!

Today we made use of the group chat feature on gmail. It would be quite usefull if u werent around the people but if u are it just gets kinda confusing, and annoying. This made things more complicated then nessesary it would be so much easier just to talk to the people. Although this experience was a little weird it was fun.

Chatter lol +)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wild and wonderful West Virginia!

In this blog I am going to discuss opinions from myself and others on the topic of West Virginia. There are many different views on the state of West Virginia.Many people presume that West Virginia is made up of uneducated, incest, and people who are completely incapable of being a part of modern society. My personal opinion of West Virginia is that most of the people here are very intelligent. I have lived in this state my entire life and I have yet to see a disfigured monster eating people contrary to the movies based on this state. The people in West Virgina are kind and fully functioning members of society.

The current situation in West Virginia involves a terrible tragedy. There was recently an explosion in the mines many people died and others were badly damaged. The families and friends of these miners are in deep sorrow and pain full grief. Though there is so much tragedy at the moment the community has a wonderful support system. There is much prayer and thoughts of kindness and support. One great thing about the people here is there ability to overcome these tragedy's and make situations better.

There are many technological advances everyday some good and others bad. Most advances are good for the people of the community and for the businesses. The technology we have in hospitals help to save lives. There are different thoughts on the types of technology that is more for socializing then for help. Although people also use these things for more then just that most of these items are helpful in emergency situations. This is a very complicated subject but for the most part technology is a big advantage for West Virginia.

photo citation

Monday, April 5, 2010


So code is so much more difficult then I had first imagined. The task may be difficult but I am up to the challenge.I am going to work as hard as possible not to get confused but it may happen.The changing color code is particularly difficult because of the fact that its so complicated. Well I hope that I can make this experience a productive one.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

buttons buttons who has the button!

This week we began to create our scenes in flash. This is a very complicated process and it takes alot of time to add the detail you want in your scenes. We just started to create buttons in flash its a very simple process. The process for making a button is very simple and i will explain. First you start with a text box and after you add the text u want on your button you right click. Then a screen will pop up and you should choose convert to symbol. After that the screen will pop up and you choose the button option. Then press okay now you have created a button. I personally am hoping that the rest of this process is as easy as this has been.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Team page progress!!!

Today we updated our team page and now I am going to update my blog on our progress. Today we assigned roles to one another of corse we each have many roles. We have made alot of progress on our game we are really starting to get things done. All we need is TEAM WORK YAY!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Canterbury Tales

Today i am blogging about some reading material from the Canterbury Tales. We have been asked to answer a few questions and i hope to answer them to the best of my ability. The first question I was asked was ask why did Chaucer select the specific stereotypes or characters that he did? Well my answer to this question would be that he chose these stereotypes or characters to show them in a diplomatic manner. I feel that by creating these characters he was in some way trying to teach us a moral lesson.

The next question i was asked to answer is what importance did they play to that particular society? Well the characters played a big role to this society they were very important in many ways. He uses the characters to creat a vivid description of the english society of that time. Without the characters the story would not be the same. Next I was asked if i believed that the story really reflected that particular time period well I guess im kinda conflicted. I feel that like every other story there is always some truth but i also feel that there are some exagerations.

In my game the development of the character will be very important. If your character does not make since in the game then the game makes no sence. Your character makes the game it gives it life. So I am going to do my best to create a character that helps my game and is appealing to the player.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

excitement in flash YAY!!!!

Today we started working with our partners for the game. At first we worked alone experimenting with flash. After feeling comfortable with the flash text program we typed a 100 to 200 word essay informing people about our game ideas. We then uploaded our flash file to our wiki paige. This has been a very fun and exciting experience i look forward to doing more with this program.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A heroes tale now and then

Today's blog post is about comparing heroes like Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and the Iliad to modern day heroes such as batman, superman, and spider man. All of these heroes have somethings in common as well as many differences. Most heroes old or new work to protect innocence they may work in different ways but the goal is always the same. There are some heroes who do this strictly to help people but others do it for the fame, glory, and worship.
When i was asked to write this blog i was given a question which i hope to answer to the best of my ability. The question i was asked was how do the heroes of Anglo-Saxons compare to the heroes of today's video game industry? Some heroes in the Anglo-Saxon are Beowulf, the Iliad, and Gilgamesh. The modern day heroes are people like batman and superman.
The heroes of the Anglo-Saxon period were dignified and courageous.The heroes in Anglo-Saxon culture and literature are best defined as honorable warriors.Courage, strength, and intelligence are very important characteristics of heroes; however, standing to fight even if it means death is very important in the Anglo-Saxon culture. The heroes from this culture are a lot like the modern day heroes mostly because modern day heroes draw there inspiration from these heroic figures.
Modern day heroes are almost exactly the same they have a large amount of courage and honor. Some differences that i can think of are that today's heroes are more about fame and glory than the protection of innocence. The heroes that you see today are mostly about anger and revenge. This is not the true meaning of a hero, heroes are supposed to be selfless and compassionate. The conclusion that I've come to while writing this blog is that heroes come in many different shapes and sizes but they all have a massive amount of courage and honor. If you would like to learn more about this subject here are some links to follow.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Flash is it really as complicated as it seems?

Over the past week or so in the midst of all the snow days we have started working with the flash program. At first it was very complicated and overwhelming, but as we continued it became much easier. When we began we had a number of pictures and we didn't really know what to do with them. what started creating different layers and naming them. This got very confusing. We started with the carrot, we made it move over and loop around. After the carrot we worked with the bunny we had to make it go up, down, left, and right. We also made the carrot and the Bunny collide. Our next task was to make a score bored of sorts. We had to adjust the code to where the score went up every time the two collided. The flash program isn't really as confusing as it seems it will just take some time to get used to some things. The most confusing part of this whole thing is the code and figuring out how to adjust it in a way that creates the action you want. I am looking forward to learning more about creating mini games.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The purpose of an epic hero

The ultimate purpose of an epic hero is to leave something of lasting value to his culture. I am supposed to write a blog about what Beowulf left to his people. Beowulf left behind many things to his people. He left courage with his people through the spirit and honor that he expressed towards others and his obstacles. He helped many people without needing something in return those people will always have that memory of him, along with a large amount of respect for him. The things that he left behind were inspirational stories of his life, his accomplishments, and his unselfish kindness.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Every story teller has a purpose most of them are common but some are extraordinary. I have been asked to explain my thought on the story tellers purpose of telling this particular story. I feel that this storyteller had to relate to this story in some way on a personal level. If he or she did not have some type of connection with this story or its characters they would have no reason to tell the story.
The next question i was supposed to answer was how do you think the storyteller's beliefs about the intended audience affect the content of the story? Well the story tellers beliefs affect the content in many ways. The person who tells the story is the person who adds the emotion,the person who makes u feel what the characters are going through. If the storyteller doesn't believe in the story then they wont be as affective in expressing the content of the story.
The last question i was supposed to answer is how do i think my beliefs will affect the outcome of my video games. Well of coarse i think that my beliefs will affect the outcome of my video games. If i don't believe in my characters or the intention of the game then i will not create the best video game that i possibly can. Without believing in my game i cannot accomplish my goals.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Beowulf is perceived as a hero because of his beastly qualities. Beowulf meets the requirements of being a hero by saving people from danger. He has many standard heroic qualities such as strength, courage, and honor. Although Beowulf has a rather large ego, and at times tends to brag a bit he is still a hero.

I feel that the character Beowulf would make a good educational video game. The reason i feel this way is because he holds most if not all of the qualities of a hero. The game would be interesting and adventurous as well as helpful to people who need help understanding the storyline. His character would be strong and honorable he would make a great hero in the game. He would slay many creatures in defence of the innocent. This game would be very affective in educating students on the story line of Beowulf.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my hero

My hero is not just your average hero he's Batman. Batman opposes many evil creatures he defends all who are in danger. Batman has no reason for protecting others he just feels the need to use his powers for good. Batman represents protection, safety, and respect. The challenge he faces is that he is a normal human being so he can be hurt. He must keep his identity a secret so his life is very difficult. Batman is a fictional character who performs amazing actions to protect the safety and welfare of the people of the world.

Monday, February 1, 2010

play to learn

I am posting this blog to inform you of the games made by both students and professionals. I am very surprised by some of the advanced games created by the students. Most of the games on this website are interesting and fun. The educational games could be to an advantage for students who are trying to learn about the subject. I have played a few of these games and i have found them to be alot of fun. There were a couple of games i would suggest for you to play based on my personal taste learn the bones and free rice.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Online safety and teens

This blog is conserning online safety with teens. You will find many interesting facts on the subject in this blog. I have learned many things in my research and these are a few things i have discovered.Cyberbullying wasn’t an issue in 1989, but it is now. The good news is that 84 percent of youth said they would not forward an embarrassing e-mail about someone else; 6 percent said they would. The study asked youth to respond to this scenario: “A friend e-mails to you and some of your friends an embarrassing photo of a girl from school. No one really likes this girl, and you don’t know her very well.” Eighty-four percent of the youth said they would delete the e-mail without forwarding it. About half of that group (40 percent) say they would also tell “the offending friend that what they did was wrong.” Eight percent said they weren’t sure, 1 percent didn’t answer, and 6 percent said they would forward the photo and message to the rest of their friends.It’s important to remember that this is a survey based on what young people say they would do, not a report on actual behavior. Still, it provides an optimistic view of today’s youth and tends to confirm other studies. For example, a study conducted by Cox Communications found that 3 percent of teens admit to having forwarded a (sexting) message that included a nude or partially nude photograph of a peer.
Teens are not as carefull with there online behaviors as they should be. They are not conserned about the conciquinses that they may face and the affect that it may have on there lives. Teens have recently begun to be slightly more carefull although they are still not as carefull as they need to be. online safety is a nessesity and should be improved in teens because of the high rate on risk involved in online behavior.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hi my name is Tiffiney Wilson im a senior at riverside highschool, and i have been put in this amazing english class. Im loving it so far but im pretty sure its going to be much more difficult.
well oh well hope im up to the challenge!

well ttys
love ya =)